• Welcome to our step-by-step wizard to help you check your eligibility for the R&D Tax Credit.

    Administered by Inland Revenue, the Research and Development (R&D) tax credit is open to all companies in New Zealand that are undertaking qualifying research and development activities in the country. The R&D tax incentive provides a tax credit at a rate of 15 per cent of eligible R&D spend up to $120 million if the company is a New Zealand tax resident.

    To be eligible, you must spend at least $50,000 per year on eligible R&D and you must meet the requirements on the next page. Expenditure under $50,000 per year may still be eligible if you use an approved research provider to do R&D on your behalf. 

    Note: This Wizard is intended as a quick guide and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Please contact Swanson Reed for professional advice tailored to your requirements.
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